Chaohui Li (李朝辉)

  PhD student

  University of California San Diego

  Email: chl221 [at]

  CVGoogle ScholarGitHub


I am a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego, advised by Prof. Vineet Bafna. I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong, where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Shuai Cheng Li.

My research interests are in bioinformatics and computational biology, particularly applied algorithms on cancer genomics and complex structural variants. I am broadly interested in designing computational tools and machine learning methods that can efficiently and effectively make core scientific insights into biology and medicine.


Selected Publications


Deciphering complex breakage-fusion-bridge genome rearrangements with Ambigram
Chaohui Li*, Lingxi Chen*, Guangze Pan, Wenqian Zhang, and Shuai Cheng Li
Nature Communications, 2023. (* joint first authorship)
[Paper]  [Code]


Somatic variant analysis suite: copy number variation clonal visualization online platform for large-scale single-cell genomics
Lingxi Chen*, Yuhao Qing*, Ruikang Li*, Chaohui Li*, Hechen Li, Xikang Feng, and Shuai Cheng Li
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021. (* joint first authorship)
[Paper]  [Website


SCYN: single cell CNV profiling method using dynamic programming
Xikang Feng, Lingxi Chen, Yuhao Qing, Ruikang Li, Chaohui Li, Shuai Cheng Li
BMC Genomics, 2021.
[Paper]  [Code]


Student Teaching Assistant, CS2310: Computer Programming - City University of Hong KongSpring 2019 - Spring 2021

Selected Awards


I like jogging and hiking. I am also a football fan of Real Madrid CF.

Last updated: September 12, 2023 by Chaohui Li